Ref #1: "Lewis Gordon being nominated and appointed by Henry Lee Surveyor of this county, his Deputy came into Court and took the Oath of Deputy Surveyor according to Law."
Ref #2: "Rawleigh Chinn, John Sentency, Lewis Gordon and David Blanchard or any three of them being first sworn are Ordered to View the Way for a Road to begin at the dividing Ridge between Lawrence's Creek and the Ohio, at Dunleavy's and to intersect the Babbin Creek road on the dividing ridge between Limestone and the North fork of Licking, and make Report to the next Court of the Conveniences and Inconveniences attending opening the same."
Ref #3: "John Pickett, Lewis Gordon, Christopher Metcalf and Rawleigh Chinn or any three of them being first sworn are appointed to View the Way for a Road from the mouth of the Big West fork of Lawrence's Creek to intersect the road from Chinn's to Orr's Mill and make report to the next Court of the Conveniences and Inconveniences attending opening the same."