
Gordon Crest
Welcome! This is the latest version of the web site where I am documenting my family's history and genealogy. It is intended for viewing by interested family members, but is also open to anyone doing genealogical research on the web. Many years of work by a number of different researchers are represented here. Please feel free to contact me if you have information to add or any other comments.

Family Lineage

This set of pages outlines the history of some of my major family surname lines. These families can also be found in the detailed family tree pages, as well as in the narrative history section.

Family Tree

This site also includes a detailed family genealogy in the form of web pages that are automatically generated from our genealogical database. I use The Master Genealogist for recording my family data, and use Second Site to generate the pages that you see here.


These pages tell a more detailed story about my major line of descent, starting from the 11th century and ending at the beginning of the 20th century.

Music & Pictures

Did you ever think about setting your family history to music? Take a look at one singer-songwriter who did just that on our Media page.

There are some extensive Photo Albums available on this site, as well as a few converted 8mm Movies from the family archives.