Fleming County Photos
This gallery has photos taken in Fleming County, Kentucky, as well as those of people who primarily lived there.
This cemetery, located on a farm near Flemingsburg, has become almost completely overgrown since these pictures were taken in the mid-1990s.
A child's marker in the old Quaintance cemetery.
This marker is in the old Quaintance Family Cemetery, dating to 1832 when Sabra died in a cholera epidemic.
The earliest ancestor for whom we have a photograph, and probably the oldest photograph itself.
William Quaintance was said to have been "in northern Ohio" during his service in the War of 1812. It is possible that he spent some time at this major fortification that saw action against the British-Indian alliance.
An entry for William Quaintance from the National Archives, showing his service in the War of 1812.
The cemetery near Flemingsburg in its unrestored state in the late 1990s. Some people who lived in the area all their lives had no idea there was a cemetery in among the trees and undergrowth.
These were the markers as found in the uncleared Brick Union Cemetery.
Dating to 1812, this is the oldest family-related marker that has been found in Fleming County.
Robert Armstrong's wife, this picture was taken after the clearing of Brick Union Cemetery.
This house, no longer in existence, was occupied by Charles and/or Isaac Darnall when they first came to Fleming Co. in the 1820s.
This cemetery is in a walled-off area on a farm off of the Elizaville Pike. Charles Darnall originally owned this land, which included the land on which the Quaintance house is located.
This gravesites of Charles and Martha Darnall in the family cemetery.
Charles Darnall's marker in the family cemetery.
Darnall Family Cemetery.
From a story on the PBS website about a child of mixed race in the Darnall family of Maryland. No known relationship to our family, but an interesting story.
It was the discovery of this picture that really set me on my course to genealogical research. Taken in the late 1860s in Flemingsburg, it features Thomas Darnall and his wife Marth in the center, surrounded by their children and grandchildren. The house in the picture no longer exists, having been destroyed in a fire.
This closeup is extracted from the larger picture and shows Thomas and Lucinda Darnall with William S. Quaintance standing behind, his hand on Martha Cunningham Darnall's shoulder. Next to him is his daughter Grace. Also shown is "Aunt Marge", the family nanny and former slave.
Taken at the same time as the other large picture, this shows Thomas along with his siblings and their spouses.
A good view of the county courthouse, which is still in use with few changes over the years.
This picture of Nanny Hull was taken on the Quaintance farm.
The house, now beautifully restored, located along the road between Flemingsburg and Elizaville. This was in the family from the time it was built (probably in the 1850s) to about 1902. Three generations of the family lived here.
Another view of the restored house.
This is the sitting room in the Quaintance House, which has been restored with antiques to closely resemble what it might have looked like in the late 1800s.
This bedroom, nicely furnished by the present owners, might be the actual room where William Lewis Gordon was born in 1881.
A view of the cemetery, with the Darnall, Quaintance, and Gordon grouping at the top of the hill.
The Darnall-Quaintance marker in the Flemingsburg Cemetery.
Closeup of the marker in the Flemingsburg Cemetery.
This plaque notes the moving of the graves from the Ringo Family Cemetery to the Flemingsburg Cemetery in 1976. Grace (Rector) Quaintance's grave was moved at that time. She was not originally buried in the Quaintance cemetery due to her divorce from William when both were in their 80s.
This marker, all but illegible now, was moved from its original location in the now-flooded Ringo Family Cemetery to the Flemingsburg Cemetery in the 1970s. Grace led an interesting life as shown in her entry in these pages.
The oldest family artifact in our possession, these scales were used by Grace (Rector) Quaintance to measure out medicine for her children as far back as the 1780s.
Grace at a young age, before her marriage to Lewis Dixon Gordon.
Grace at a young age.
Grace along with sons Albert and William.
From an old tintype.
Lewis Dixon Gordon at a young age.
This picture was probably taken between 1910 and 1920.
This picture was taken in Lamar, Barton Co., Missouri in the late 1880s. The Lewis Dixon Gordon family lived there for several years in a joint venture with Peter A. Gordon and Samuel Smoot.
Nanny Hull was in indentured servant to the Gordon family in Flemingsburg, serving as a personal maid to Grace. She stayed with the family most of her life, eventually becoming more of a companion to Grace than a servant. She died just a few months after Grace died and is buried in the family plot.
Next to Grace in the Flemingsburg Cemetery.
Grace's marker in the Flemingsburg Cemetery.
Nanny died shortly after Grace and is buried beside her in the Flemingsburg Cemetery.
Peter appears to have lived a fairly adventurous life, as can be read about in these pages. For example, this picture of him was taken in Denver, and we have no idea what he might have been doing there.
This card shows Peter's membership in the "Knights Templar", a Masonic organization in Flemingsburg.
This is Peter in full Masonic regalia.
Dressed up by the Sons of the Confederacy, this is believed to be the marker of John Quaintance, who died in Chambersburg, PA, following the battle of Gettysburg during the Confederate retreat. The name on the marker is W. H. Quaintance, a mistake probably confusing him with his father's name.
Probably taken about 1900. Martha died in 1907 and William in 1908.
One of the children of William Durrett Quaintance, the last Quaintances in the Kentucky line.
She was the last person in the Kentucky branch to bear the Quaintance name.
Lizzie Dee at an earlier age.
Mother of Lizzie Dee Quaintance.